
17 October 2010

A Few New Things

(this is a posting from my photo blog, How I See It)

Hello, so glad you stopped in to see me, never dull around here, I can tell you.

I have an art show tomorrow at the Goulbourn Museum so I spent the better part of today preparing for that and talking to rabbit asking her opinion.  She's pretty quiet though, I heard a funny line a while back on Big Bang Theory...'Rabbits always look like they're about to say something but never do'. I am getting better at packing up (you think I would be great at it by now) but every show is slightly different and I like to make sure I have the proper stock related to that clientele.  You know is it a  young show, the area and association that it is involved with, the time of year...what will people be looking for in terms of gifts.  All good questions when asking yourself 'Well, what should I bring for today?'

No one was home so I moved a bunch of my work upstairs to the kitchen, it's bright and sunny - the hub of the home...and I could watch TV while I worked (I like the company).  I prepped some cradle board and canvases so I could mount my drawings...just an alternative way to offer my work.

Have fun with whatever you do, enjoy you work and play, take pride in what you accomplish for yourself, no one it for you.  I hope to see you tomorrow.