
27 August 2010

A New Drawing to Share

(This is a post from my 'How I See It' photo blog)

Hey there, what have you been up too?  It's Friday and I've completed my drawing this week...yeah!

I have a show coming up this September in Almonte which has been a good motivator for me to get me immersed in my work figuring out what I want to have available for the people who visit my booth.  As I mentioned the other day I like to have a few new pieces created for my regulars as they give me suggestions and I try to produce a few of them.

The show is called Fibrefest which I take  a bit of ribbing about as some friends confuse it with a show for seniors.  It's all about textiles...wool, material etc. for knitters, quilters, weavers so that's where I've included in my body of work drawings of related objects...this is an vintage pin cushion.

This is a shot showing you my new drawing, what I've been working on this week...I love graphite...I love to draw especially when what I've envisioned comes to fruition.  I can't wait to have these scanned and printed, I'm waiting on a shipment of mats, then I'll be busy.  I look forward to seeing them in their completed form and then see how they are received when first viewed.