
12 November 2010

Sweet Face - a new graphite drawing

I've been working very hard for what seems like quite a while keeps me out of trouble.  Prepping canvases, packaging cards and creating new drawings like this one.  I've been thinking about this one for a while then after speaking with patron a couple of weeks back at a show about a friend she had that passed away and how he loved chickadees...well it spurred me into action.  

I can't tell you how many hours it took me but off and on (as I like to work a bit, put it away, pick it up and so on) it was completed in two weeks.  When I'm passionate about a drawing I can't seem to leave it alone.

The chickadees like to sit in our lilac tree just outside the backdoor as they wait their turn at the bird feeder.  They have got to be the cutest little guys.

Hope you enjoy this new drawing.