
16 December 2009

Wish Casting Wednesday - What do you wish to give?

Kettle Reflections - graphite by Sheila
It's Wish Casting Wednesday and Jaimie Ridler asks us 'What do you wish to give?'

What do I wish to give? Think, think...

I think what I wish to give is my time. It's all about balance, knowing when to call it quits with work and spend time with the ones that mean the most to us. Time for my children, to connected to what's going on in their lives. Time for my husband to keep our relationship growing. Time for my aging in-laws, who need us a little more each day. Time for my friends to share artists ideas and camaraderie. Time for my community that we need to nurture and embrace.

I think when you give of yourself truly and freely you will receive it back ten fold...and I do. At the end of the day I want to feel that I've done my best to reach the people I love.

Give of yourself, it will free you beyond belief.
