
15 December 2009

A Little More Winter Wonderland

I wanted to share another wintry photo. We had another flurry of snow over night which is really starting to accumulate, it's lovely to look at but not so nice to shovel. My little reindeer are all but buried out front, all you can see is their lights glowing under a mound of white fluff, guess I'll have to form a search party and rescue them.

You can see little tracks here and there, I imagine the mice are running underneath, making roadways this way and that, a great way to hide. The deer have passed by on their way to the cedar bush out back for shelter.

I miss the days when the offspring would beg for me to put on my snow pants, go outside and build a snow fort or take them sliding...maybe I can talk them into it when they get home from school, I think they'll be game, we all should take time to play.

Warm wishes