
22 December 2009

Holiday Cheer

It's been such a busy time around here right now, oh my, hockey tournaments, anniversary dinner, combining corn (crazy time of year to do that) and then all the regular preparations baking, shopping, wrapping...eating. I know what one of my New Years resolutions will be...get back on a healthy eating track but you know it's all part of Christmas for me.
My guys are outside trying to get the tractor started, it's not co-operating this morning but it was a little cold, -19C ( that's -2F for my American friends) but the sun is shinning so...oh I hear it now, hopefully they can finish up the combining today.
The ceramic jar above was one we found on our property where the old homestead stood. I love to think about who might have used it in their kitchen, where it sat and what was in has a history and I love that.
Antiques are simple and seem to have a soul. If we can live our lives 'simply' we have achieved a great deal, it keeps a perspective that we desperately need to keep.
Keep things simple, and you'll find your life will fall into step.