01 October 2012

This Week In The Studio

Hi Friends, what's new?

I have given the blog a little bit of a face lift. . . it was needed.  Not a big change, just tidied up a tad.

I'll catch you up on what's been happening around my studio this summer.  To sum it up I took a vacation from creating.  Well I can't say entirely as I was gardening and cooking which I find to be very creative.  We've had to change our evil ways. . . eating wise. . . and have had great improvement in our health so you know the saying 'You are what you eat' there is a lot of truth in that statement.

We have been adopted by a stray cat this summer. . . we call him Tom Cotton.  He's a beautiful white long hair with one green eye and one blue, though I think he has cat Turrets if that is possible.  I'll tell you why, he gets very excited when we feed him to the extent that his 'Meows' become frenzied and then he can't help himself and a big 'Hiss' pops out. . . so cute. . he doesn't seem to notice.  I went to my neighbours to buy my Farm Fresh Eggs and lo and behold there was quite a brood of little white kitties running around the barn. . . oh Tommy boy, you stud.  I will try to snap a photo of him though he doesn't stay long.

I finally got my Baby Shoe 1955 drawing listed on Etsy. . . new laptop + a bit of a learning curve = taking a little longer to get things listed.

Head over to Etsy to check out all my drawings.

Thanks for being here.
