Hello my Artsy friends. . . I hope this day finds you well.
I spent a good part of the afternoon raking leaves in our backyard the other day (blisters to prove it). Now raking isn't something we normally do as the property is just too large and we have way too many trees but these two trees seemed to just 'dump' their leaves all at once leaving a blanket of warm colour. . . a feast for the eyes.
When my boys were young this was the place to make great big piles for jumping in and filling our giant pumpkin bags. I began to feel a little melancholy as I raked away all that beautiful orange/yellow foliage. . . the passing of time, the passing of seasons.
I have come to the conclusion that you are never too old to play in the leaves. . . Ingredients: a beautiful/sunny autumnal day, an abundance of leaves, rakes, people willing to be silly (which I am extremely qualified for).
Want to come and jump in? Enjoy your 'Fall'.
All the best,