
12 August 2016

Let's Make Some Happiness Pages

As many of you already know I am a HUGE fan of the disc bound journal.  

I began using these a couple of years ago when I discovered the Right Brain Business Plan with Jenn Lee.  She introduced me to these wonderful journals from Levenger.  Later I found that Staples had their own line Arc...a little more affordable.

I began adapting these wonderfully innovated journals to suit my own artistic flare and soon I had many creatives on board embracing my passion for individuality.  You can customize them in so many ways to suit your needs...the possibilities are endless.

In the next couple of weeks I will share with you how you too can create your own pages for ideas, projects and so much more.

Materials you will need to get started:

1 5.5x8.5 Junior sized journal - if you can find graph paper for these, all the better but not necessary
a small 6 inch ruler
technical pencil
a black liner pen
a grey multiliner
Gellyroll white pen

I have journals with awesome dividers, graph paper I designed (because I couldn't find any) called Think Pages, pens (oh boy have I got pens) and coloured pencils for sale if you can't find what you are looking for...just drop me a line and I will see if I can help.

Here is an example of what we'll be doing.  This is my April Happiness Page.

If this is something that you might be interested in join me next week for the introduction to creating your very own Happiness Pages.

I hope to hear from you soon, 