
08 August 2016

I'm Back from a Much Needed Break

Well hello friends, it's been a while but after a much needed hiatus I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle some new projects and I would love to share them with you.

I'll fill you in on what I have been up to...I call these last two months my Bucket List Summer.  Things I have been wanting to do for quite some time now...little painting projects, things for my garden which I have found very therapeutic.  I needed the break to rest my mind.

I sit out here in the morning to enjoy my coffee though it has been quite warm these days.

I painted a milk can that my neighbour gave me a couple of years ago, where I have since put my vegetable gnome to sit and greet visitors.

My little wood birdhouse which I have had for years now sits atop my old ladder trellis for the squash.

A new Welcome sign adorns my front door...these are all pieces I have sitting waiting to paint.

I love the colours of this butterfly waterer and with the dry summer we have had so far I think they appreciate it.

Cashew milk is something I've been wanting to make and I finally have a blender that will do the job.

I have an old garden bench my boys gave to me for Mother's Day years ago.  I just couldn't part with it so...this is it's third life...I love the purple paint!

This was a big project.  We had to clear out all the stuff jammed into this space but the fun part was organizing it all back in...that's what I'm good at.  Now I have a new/old potting is awesome!

I have been trying my hand at harvesting and preserving herbs from my garden...I love experimenting with recipes.  This is bush basil in olive oil.  Many of these ideas and recipes come from Pinterest.

And all this while we have been running the farm...planting, trimming, organizing, maintaining and learning...I love being outdoors and visiting with these girls.

I have been keeping a photo record of many of the beautiful wildflowers the farm hosts...this is chicory...the colour is what attracts me most.

So though you haven't seen much of me here I have been very busy...we all need new things to occupy our minds, to give us a break from the usual and to ignite some energy into our creative lives.

So stay tuned I will have a new project for us to tackle in the coming weeks...I will keep you posted.