
11 February 2013

In the Studio - Many Pens

Hello my Artsy friends, so nice that you could pop by.  

We had a lovely sunny weekend after getting a large dump of snow on Friday.  Thank goodness for wonderful neighbours. . . Dave was heading up the road, noticed that our lane way was full of snow and swung in a did a few passes to open it up for us.  Country folk are the best.

It's been a bit of a quiet week, not sure why but I welcome it just the same - time for reflection and rest.  We all need to take these moments and accept them as gifts - they are offered to us because we need them.

I showed you the word I chose for 2013 in my last post but I continued to work on this piece after I photographed it for you.

I had an art teacher tell me once 'Don't overwork a piece, know when it's enough' - that's a tough one.  There are times when I will return again and again tweaking here, adding a little more there. . . It's always a good idea to step away for a while when you are near completion - let it rest for a while then see if it still needs additional work.

That's what I did with my 'Balance'.  Pens and colour can add some wonderful detail if you are so inclined. . . it gives it flourish.

Drawing should be fun, this was tonnes-o-fun.

Have a wonderful week folks.
