
05 February 2013

A Word For 2013 - Balance

Hello my fellow Artsies. . . I hope you a feeling more energetic as the days are getting longer.

For the last couple of years I have followed the practice of choosing a 'word' that will ground and propel me for the year ahead.

In years past I have used the words 'open' and 'energy'. . . the word gives me focus when I forget what needs to be done and they served me well though they change as we evolve.

One word that continued to surface for me this year was 'Balance'.  This is always a challenge for me the ARTIST as I tend to jump into projects but don't necessarily schedule my time properly so often other aspects get left behind.  I need to plan-something I think may of us learn and re-learn throughout our careers.

With my 20 minutes per day Reflection and Planning (with tea) I realized what wasn't working in terms of accomplishing/completing.  Now with a new plan I have scheduled 4 hours per day in the studio just for creating - do the work!

How do you keep it balanced?  What works for you?  I would love to hear your ideas.

All the best,


PS For creating the above word I used my coloured pencils (which consist of Prismacolor, Derwent, Faber Castel) and Sharpies among many other gel pens.