27 July 2012

Falling In Love With My Home

Hello my artsy friends . . . no I haven't flown the coup, I've been re-discovering my home and all the lovely things I have collected over the years.

I was getting so caught up in my drawings that I was letting things slide away . . . I tend to do that when I become engrossed in a task.

This is the side board that is part of my set that I use in the kitchen.  I never liked the idea of having a dining room that no one used so we didn't put one in our home when we built it.  This old dining room set sits wonderfully in our kitchen, a large table, six chairs, side board and a hutch.  

I noticed that the wood was looking a little dull so I dusted and wiped and got out the old handy dandy linseed oil and gave the old girl some moisturizer.  She just looked so rich.

I then pulled a few summer items together and changed up the decor . . . the little glass bird house I picked up at Home Sense for $5, I just couldn't leave it there and I had a bird just waiting for a home.

Wild Carrot

I love wild flowers and old glass jars, which I have quite a few, that are placed all around the kitchen.  Like the Queen Ann's Lace above I go out and pick fresh daily, along with the Brown Eyed Susie's, because they grow every where . . . I love it, it's so delicate.  I love bringing nature indoors.

We all need a little break from the day to day, to inspire us, to give us a sense of comfort, to give us peace.

I give you permission to break free and play . . . it will do you a world of good.
