29 March 2012

Draw With Me - Week 13

Hello and welcome my Artsy friends, hope you are having a productive week.  Our weather turned cold again so I am back in winter mode though our snow is all but gone so that is nice.

So lets jump right into my drawing.  I must apologize for not accomplishing as much as I had promised last week. . . this gum surgery has slowed me down a bit.

I did managed to finish the shoe box and completed a good portion of the laces which takes longer as that is where the detail sits. . . I want to get them just right, it is the focal point for me.  I also have erased most of the grid lines now as I only need a few on the shoe itself.

I do tend to got back into an area if it catches my eye to add a little more shadow or depth but you have to know when to stop to. . . you don't want to over work it.  

It is good to take a break from you drawing for a period, this will give you some perspective.  Sometimes when you stare at something too long you loose sight. . . you need to look at the big picture.  This also helps when there is an area that may be giving you trouble. . . step away for a while, it will be clearer (honest) when you come back.

Keep working, you're doing great.


PS  The winner of last weeks Derwent Graphitint Pencil blister pack is. . . drum roll please. . . Wendy of @littlenevabakes in Virginia, USA.  Congrats Wendy!  Since I didn't complete my drawing this week I think I will give away another Derwent Pencil blister pack.  Leave me a comment, follow me on Twitter, like my Facebook page, join my blog page here and I will enter you in the draw.  Good luck.