
14 December 2016

A New Year...A New Happiness Project

As I was reflecting on my very full and very colourful Happiness Project pages my mind was drifting to the New Year and how I would continue my practice of writing down one thing each day in my journal that makes me happy.

For 2017 I have decided that I am going to use one of my calendar layouts I designed for the Artsy Journal.  These calendars will be printed on parchment paper (one of my favourites) and will be back to Notes pages on the back.

I wanted something different to inspire me and to expand my creativity so I have decided to use water colour as my means to add colour.

I love the airiness of watercolour...the light, muted tones and soft washes.  It is very peaceful to me.

I am going to go ahead and colour in my blocks a few months in advance and then write on top of the dried colour.  

In future posts I will talk about the watercolour I use, palette, affects on paper, my wash technique.

I am excited about this year's project...I hope you will join me and try it out.
