
02 September 2016

Happiness Page Project - A bit of Lettering

Good Friday Morning friends...looking forward to a long weekend and a switch of seasons.

So we are well on our way to creating some wonderful Happiness Pages.  In my last post I promised some tips on a cool lettering for your pages.  I'm not sure where I saw this ( really have to write things down) but I incorporated the elongated letters into my own printing.

This is the upper case lettering I like to use most for titles.  It's in a way fancy like script but not too involved.  There are really only 9-10 letters that you would elongate...if you did too many it would all become very messy looking.  The 'H', 'M', 'N', 'R', are the most used and you can elongate them as much or as little as you want.

Here is the lower case letters.

These are the numbers I use for my day blocks.

This is a small example of the lettering at it's best for a title block.  As you can see I put the work on it's side running down length wise.  I rotated it for you to see better.

Next week we will do a bit of colouring.  I will show you my pallet of colours I find go well together.

Enjoy your doodling and don't forget to write down your Happiness every day.
