
07 March 2016

Pen & Ink Challenge Week #9

Good Challenge Monday...I hope you had a fabulous weekend!  Always lots of creating going on around my place.

I am reading a few books all at once including 'Big Magic' by Elizabeth Gilbert...if you get a chance add it to your reading list, good inspiration for creatives.

Since our workshop for this coming Saturday is a Celtic Knot pattern I thought I would give you all a chance to learn it ahead of time or at least play a little with it.

This top step by step is a pattern I was toying with when I switched over to the knot pattern so don't pay too much attention to it, study the second step by step.

I love doing these weave patterns, it's the optical illusion that is appealing to the eye.

Enjoy your day and playtime.  Remember it is important to 'Play', it's how we learn.

Talk to you soon,