
27 November 2013

Journaling Your Gratitude - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

These are a few pages from my Gratitude Journal.

We have been hearing a great deal about Gratitude over the last 10 years or so and I agree, it is very important and brings an abundance of positive into our lives. . . that is how I began my journal journey.

A few months ago a dear friend of mine, Michelle Casey at Collage Your World, wrote about the importance of Gratitude and it hit me (well more like slapped me), wake up, this is something you need in your life and it has changed my attitude ten fold.

I kept it simple, for me it has to be do-able, I write five short sentences each day listing things I am grateful for.  I keep my book (I call it a book as it houses many other lists for my life) handy. . . where I drink my first coffee by the front window and reflect.

I'm a list keeper, it helps keep it all in perspective as my mind tends to jump everywhere all the time.

I started with this 3-ring binder format as I wanted to be able to take my papers out to doodle, colour and stick but the binder isn't always the most user friendly.

After doing a great deal of research I have found a better system . . . the Levenger or Arc system.  With these rings you can fold your paper right to the back and work on your page or even better these pages are removable and reposition-able. . . I like that a lot.

I find beautiful papers to make unique dividers and I have created insert pages just for your daily Gratitude.

I will be talking about pens, paper, new inserts in future posts so pop back to check or even better join the e-mail list

I have a real passion for paper . . . really nice paper and pens, drawing and fountain. . . I'll let you know what I find.

Talk to you soon,
