
15 March 2013

Love Me Some Paint

Hello my Artsy friends . . . so glad you stopped by.  I must apologize for not posting last week . . . I seemed to have gotten consumed by my painting project and when that happens I'm gone.  I don't know if you find that but I know for me I become obsessed and can only focus on that one thing.

So I've had this little pine bathroom cubby for about 20 years now, I had stained in a lovely antique and it has served well as bathroom storage but it was time for an upgrade.  We are re-making our en-suite so it needed a makeover as well.

I took off the hinges and door.  It was never sealed so I didn't worry about sanding. . . I'm all about the easy.

I rounded up my supplies and dove in.  It's always so exciting to start a new project.  I have so much paint, paint of all kinds I decided to see how it all worked together.

I painted all the edges with soft black because I knew I wanted to sand this piece so as the under coat would show through.

Then I added the first coat of Martha Stewart's Heavy Cream (I love the names she gives her paint) then the second and finally the third.  It took little or no time to re-apply it's the waiting in between that's hard . . . good lesson in patience, something we all could use.  Total time to refinish this piece was 4 hours.

I painted the inside Americana Tea Green, I love this shade, again three coats and then applied Annie Sloan's clear soft wax over the entire piece.  this is an amazing product, it goes on like a dream and polishes up so quick and beautiful . . . you should really try it if you love refinishing furniture.

You can see the lovely sanded off effect here where the soft black shows through on the edges. . . yes, that's the stuff.

I put the door back on and there she sits.  I keep a log of paint type, colour and time it takes to complete my projects because you do forget.  Annie Sloan has a work book you can purchase but I use a multi media art book.

This is the finished product, it is how I had envisioned it to be. . . I love when that happens.  The top shelf if for a tissue box that I don't have on hand right now and will drive me insane until I get it (that's my OCD shining through) the project isn't quite finished without it.

Thanks for being here.  Stay tuned for my next project coming soon.

Wishing you  a good and productive weekend.
