
30 January 2012

This Week In The Studio

Hello Artsy friends. . . how are you this fine day?

I love these months of January/February. . . not for the weather (that I can do without, yuk) but for the time it allows me to research and draw.

A few art friends of mine and I began discussion on The Right Brain Business Plan a few months ago, we would meet once a week for lunch and plans which has helped me tremendously to figure out my direction.  We  took a bit of a break over Christmas but now we have started up again.

We are taking it slow, reading a chapter a week, then discussing unless there is a great deal to consider then spending more time if needed.  I like to look back a previous chapters when I find that I'm getting off track or questioning my focus.  Jennifer Lee has a unique way of simplifying business for the art minded. . . a good read if you need help fine tuning your art business.

I've also been drafting a t-shirt design for our Tai Chi group for their grand opening. . . it's a start, I hope the powers that be like it, it was a lot of fun to do.

So that's what I have going on for the start of my week so far.

Take care. . . I hope your week is productive.


PS  I have been corresponding with a certain pencil company. . . I'm hoping to have a few products for giveaways soon on my Thursday Draw With Me segment. . . stay tuned.