
23 January 2012

This Week In The Studio

Hello my fellow studio dwellers...I hope you are finding things to do on these cold wintery days.

This is the time of year I spend drawing...I don't have any shows booked, there are no Farmers Markets open (nor would I want to be there unless they were heated)...a great time to focus on what I love the most...drawing.

I am researching right now...I have quite a few ideas in mind, I just have to get them organized...though I wish they would quit popping into my head in the middle of my REM.

I'm also catching up on some of my letter writing.  I don't always get all my cards sent at Christmas so I find January a lovely time to sit in a sunny window, looking out at my frosty surroundings and pen a note to friends and family.

I love me some lovely note paper/note cards, something I'm always on the look out for...kind of an obsession really....but you know I have a thing for paper.

I hope you can reconnect with some friends too.
