
05 January 2012

Draw With Me

Hello my Artsy friends...hope this day finds you well and inspired.
Now no further delays...for my, funny choice of words (chuckle to myself).

For the New Year I have decided I would like to share with you my I begin, work through and finish a drawing.  I have been asked numerous times to do this but wasn't sure I could put it down in words but with photos I think it is possible.  

Every Thursday I will publish a new installment of 'Draw With Me' (I couldn't come up with a clever play of words for this weekly endeavor..darn) I will post the progression of a new drawing from choosing materials such as pencils, paper to photographing your subject and of course the weekly growth of the drawing.  I hope you will drop by to see how I'm getting along.

So to begin I usually gather all my materials in one subject, paper, pencils, tools and figure out what I'm going to need for this particular drawing like in the photo above.  I usually have an idea in my mind of how I want a drawing to look but often it will take on a life of it's own as it develops...I love that.  The drawing I will be starting is a Heirloom shoes.  You can see what this is at the top of my page, centre under the title.

If you like please join in and start a new drawing yourself, let me know how it's going...I would love to hear.

If you have any questions about my drawing or materials please ask...I will do my best to answer if I can.

I'm so excited to get started...I'll see you next week and we'll talk about choosing paper.