
30 November 2011

Drawings Unfinished

Hello my Artsies . . . I hope you are feeling artilicious (I know that's not a word but it should be)

I was chatting with an artist friend on Twitter last week and she was pulling out a folder with all her unfinished drawings in hopes of finishing them . . .  or a few anyway.  It's funny how we seem to be riding the same wave . . . I was contemplating just that.

I don't know if you're like me but I have so many ideas swirling around my brain that if I don't get them down on paper I may burst which results in an ever growing folder of unfinished projects.  The good thing about this is that when I have a few minutes I can pull out a drawing and jump right in.  

Something I have learned to do is to make a legend of sorts in the outer margin of the colours I've used for each drawing then when I get back to it it's easy to find my scheme.

It's a nice feeling when I want to do a little drawing I don't have to do any layout, no planning just jump right in . . . Some days I need a no brain required kind of day and a notion.

Maybe you have some 'unfinished business' . . . take a look, it's fun to see what might be hiding and worth revisiting.

Have fun, I know I will.