
26 June 2011

New Drawing Complete

Good Sunday morning fellow goes things?

I would like to apologize for being absent but we are experiencing technical difficulties with our internet...I think that's what they tell you when then have no idea what the problem is so I post when I can and check in between.

It is very frustrating and disturbing at the same time to realize how dependent we have become on our electronic communication and how 'out of sorts' we feel when we are unable to check in on our friends.

One good thing about not being connected is that I have learned that I can accomplish quite a bit when not worried about Twitter, Facebook and e-mail so I think I will adopt this new work process and see where it takes me.

No worries, I'll still be around just in spirit not mind.

All that said I have completed a new drawing this week...yeah!  It's a 10"x10" on smooth bristle...medium - Graphitint/ has a slight hint of rose.  I wanted the multilayered petals to have's more about the contrast than the colour.  This is as it sits on my drawing board.