
17 May 2011

Keeping inspired...and active.

A dear friend, Wendy of Dragonfly Dreams, asked me a while back if I would like to participate in a pages swap she was organizing...well why not, I haven't been involved in one of these before I thought, sounds like a good idea.  So I jumped in...feet first.

I love to get involved in new adventures but I often forget that in order to do a fabulous job it requires time, something I don't always have.  This was something different though, I wanted very much to try this challenge.  I knew it would be a great way to inspire my creativity, a nice diversion from my norm and if you find yourself stuck, a great way to jump start your block.

So a pages swap you say.  A brief make as many pages as there are people participating (in our case we have 10), a specific size is chosen as is a theme...our theme was Black and White.  When complete we will exchange pages and I will have ten unique pages to include in a book or what ever you choose to do with fun!  :)

I pondered my pages, unsure of how I would proceed but slowly they revealed themselves to me in my subconscious then one sleepless night I mentally constructed my layout, chose my materials and decided on what drawing I would include...I love when that happens.

I would definitely recommend this exercise to anyone who is having difficulty with their creativity.  I'm a firm believer in 'themes', often times it's the idea that is the hard part.

I hope you are inspired to create your own pages.
