
02 April 2011

They have arrived!

So hello again my art loving friends, I hope you've been creating feverishly.

As you know I've been waiting patiently for my new pencils that I won from Derwent about a month ago...well not so patient, I'm like a kid at Christmas when it comes to art supplies.  They have arrived all sharpened and ready to go!  And I'm soooooo excited!

Look at these beauties, it's almost a shame to disturb this fabulous little nest but no worries, I will, I just have to decide what will be my inaugural masterpiece.  So many possibilities...I never have a problem with ideas it's which one to choose to do first.  I always have ideas swirling around my right brain, so much so it wakes me up at night...I guess I am in my right mind after all.

I hope you have new art supplies in your near future, sometimes we just have  make them happen for ourselves.  A trip to the art store is always time well wasted to me, it's like my honey going to Canadian Tire.

Enjoy your Saturday..the sun is shining here, that's always a good start.