
18 February 2011

Picking up the pace - Challenge yourself

Welcome glad you popped by to see what I'm up to.

This is the time of year I concentrate on developing new drawings and designs.  I have time, for a few months, to focus on 'the ART' it self and not worry about all the business stuff...well, as much as I can.

Have you noticed how the days are getting a little longer, the sun a tiny bit warmer?  It gets me thinking of sunny days to come and spring flowers...I so look forward to having more colour surrounding me. 

The drawing above is my preliminary I first envisioned this design.  It takes me a few tries until I am completely satisfied with the colours I have chosen.  I find it very exciting to see the colours come alive as I put them down on paper and as soon as I'm done I have a whole new palette I want to try.

I have so many new ideas I need to get down on paper so I am challenging myself to a drawing a have to set realistic goals or you are just setting yourself up for failure...I know this will work for me.

This one isn't finished yet, many more attempts to happen before I let it rest but that's where the fun is.

Wishing you have a lovely weekend and inspired days.