
30 December 2010

Have you chosen your 'word' for 2011?

Good morning dear friends, hope you are recuperating from all your holiday celebrations.

As an artist I have found it very helpful to visualize where I want to be in my career.  In 2010 I chose the word 'Success' which gave me something to focus towards.  I painted a canvas which had a large 'S' to represent my goal, I could reflect upon it to bring me back to where I wanted to worked as a vision board of sorts when I found myself floundering.

Now with 2011 only two days away I had to put on my thinking cap and figure out what was to be my direction.  I found a quiet moment where I could put my thoughts in perspective...figure out where I want to go and it just literally popped into my mind.  I kept saying it over in all my thoughts...have I kept you in suspense long enough?  My word for 2011 is 'OPEN'.

I want to 'open' up possibilities, 'open' doors, be 'open' to what ever comes along, 'open' my mind to new ideas.

What's your word for 2011?