
29 June 2010

Busy busy busy...yes...that's the way to be.

It's been so great taking part in the Perth Farmers Market every Saturday for the summer months, something I've never done before so I figured if I want to expand my knowledge I needed to get out there and try new things,  the only draw back is it has rained every Saturday I've been there...I think it can only get better...oh the eternal works for me.  I find it working really well for me to have a goal, a time line so to speak, to keep me focused on producing my art when I know I need to have new stock ready for sale.

This is one of my newest displays for my bright and colourful 'Artful'  coloured pencil drawings that I've mounted on 8x8 canvases, these are key holders (you can get a closer look on my Artful site)

I take new prints every week so as not to be the same old same old and change up my display to make it a little more interesting for the regulars who turn up week after week.  Markets are such a social thing I can so understand the draw they takes us back to a more simple time and I love being a part of it.