
06 January 2010

WishCasting Wednesday - What dream do you wish to explore?

Jamie Ridler Studios asks 'What dream do you wish to explore?'

Wow this one really stumped me...I had to ponder for a while to find my answer. I figured out the reason for my road block fairly quickly though...the difficulty lies with the fact I have many dreams I need to explore.

I use the word need instead of wish as I have so many dreams swimming around my mind that they consume a lot of my thoughts...I need to explore them to satisfy my curiosity and to put my mind at rest.

The Biggest dream I wish to explore is to trust my intuition that just because it makes me happy doesn't mean it's not work.

Trust yourself, you know deep down what's best for you.

PS I got a new camera so you're going to see photos here for a while, I need to explore my camera.