
09 December 2009

WishCasting Wednesday - What is your Spirit wishing for

Original graphite drawing by Sheila
Jaimie Ridler Studios asks us this Wish Casting Wednesday, What is your spirit wishing for? After great thought and reflection I concluded that the thing my spirit is crying out for (loudly I might say) is recognition and validation.
As Jamie says we tend to take on roles that we think others would approve and once we have fulfilled all those duties I think only then we let ourselves reach for what we truly feel deep down is the true essence of ourselves.
I love being an artist and how I feel when I'm engaged in that dream, it is my true self, where I feel the most like who I am suppose to be.
So my wish this week is for my Art to be noticed and to take that next BIG step towards success. I also wish great success for all of you who are searching for the spirit within.